Seller: Training Guide

Welcome to the seller training guide. We are excited to have your company listed on DOmedia to get more exposure to buyers! About Us - DOmedia puts your inventory in front of highly qualified customers. Read More.

Why it matters: keeping your inventory accurate ensures buyers have a good search experience, makes filling out RFPs easier, and gets you included in more buys.
- Inventory Management for Geopath members
- APIs - this is when our systems talk to each other automatically. We can pull inventory, availability, images, specs, and proof of performance. For example, we have an API with Apparatix members. If you believe we can integrate systems just let us know.

Why it matters: By submitting your proposal inside the grid in DOmedia, you're making the buyer's job easier. This allows them to have a faster turnaround time and increase the chance you're included in a buy.
- Tools to make it easier:
- Receive More RFPs via Nudge

Why it matters: You already have your media in the system. You can seamlessly send out living proposals that turn into buys.

Why it matters: By approving or requesting revisions inside DOmedia, you're making the buyer's job easier. This allows them to track changes and upload to billing software accurately.

Why it matters: By viewing or requesting revisions inside DOmedia, you're making the buyer's job easier. This allows them to clear your invoices more efficiently. It also helps them confirm to the client the campaign was a success.

Why it matters: Mapping allows you to overlay audiences and points of interest to help sell your inventory. Buyers can see your inventory on a map and you can share maps outside of DOmedia to help educate clients.

Why it matters: It's important to control who receives RFPs, Contracts, and Posting Instructions.
- Setting yourself as a default rep for certain RFPs. Send the buyer this article to set you up.

About Us (continued)
Our cloud-based applications connect buyers and sellers to leverage marketplace effects, eliminate labor and improve reporting and analytics. DOmedia puts your inventory in front of highly qualified customers. Some of the largest OOH agencies send RFPs through DOmedia exclusively. DOmedia vendor profiles receive traffic from local advertisers around the world.