Seller: How to Add or Update Images on a RFP
Overview: As a seller, you'll be able to add and update images within a RFP. This is a great way to show off each of your assets and make your inventory more appealing to buyers.
Video Tutorial: Click HERE
First, navigate to the RFP from the link included in the email notification you received or if you are a paying seller, from your RFP Dashboard (instructions below). Click the left menu bar and drop down to 'Propose' and then click 'RFPs'.

Instructions from the RFP Dashboard: From the RFP Dashboard, click 'Propose' under the Action column for the desired RFP.

From Step 2, scroll to below the grid and click 'Update Images'.

*Notice you can adjust your view to Show All units or Show Missing to see only the units without an image.
Click Choose File to select the image from your computer.
If you don't have a photo of the unit, you have the option to select 'Use Street View' which will trigger the system to pull in the best snapshot from Google Street View that it is able to capture to display as the unit's image in this proposal only.

Once you have your image files added and settings completed, click 'Update Images' at the bottom of the page.