Seller: How do I search within my inventory?
With our new Inventory Search, complex searches are quick and easy! You can navigate to Inventory Search by clicking Plan then Search. If this option is not available in your navigation menu, you may not have the necessary permissions. Please contact your account manager if you believe you should have access to this tool.

From the Inventory Search page, you have many options by which you can search. See below for a quick explanation of each. All - Display all of my inventory based on my below selected criteria DMA - Search based on a specific DMA or set of DMAs (Designated Market Area) County - Search based on a specific county or set of counties MSA - Search based on a specific MSA or set of MSAs (Metropolitan Statistical Area) U.S. State - Search based on a specific state or set of states in the U.S. Latitude/Longitude - Search for inventory within a certain number of miles from a specific lat/long Street Address - Search for inventory within a certain number of miles from a specific street address ZIP Code - Search based on a specific zip code or set of zip codes Vendor Inventory # - Search for specific unit(s) by entering the inventory number(s) Client Location List - Search for inventory near locations listed in a Client Location List Folder - Search for inventory in available Inventory Folders Keyword - You can search a specific keyword associated with assets i.e. 'Billboards'.

You are also able to then filter your search further by selecting from a list of available Advertising Categories.

You can also filter your results even further by selecting a client, a minimum number of impressions per cycle, a read direction or face, and even your hidden/shown/all assets.

Assets flagged with a certain restriction are able to be filtered.

Searching by Availability is also an option. Just choose a time-frame and select which Availability Types to include in your search results. The meanings of each Availability Type are listed below.

- Available - This is the default status and the initial status of all inventory
- Proposed - This is the status of inventory that has been issued in a buyer created RFP or seller proposal
- Propose & Hold - This is the status of inventory that has been included in a seller proposal with a Hold until date assigned or has had a Hold Expiration date set via Step 3 when a seller responded to a RFP
- Contract Pending - This is the status of inventory that has been included in any contract issued by a buyer or seller
- Contracted - This is the status of inventory that has been included in a buyer created contract as long as it has been approved by the seller. It is also the status of inventory included in a seller created contract that has been marked as 'Contracted'.
- Contracted-Preemptable - This is the status of inventory that has been marked as such through our Inventory Status tool and represents inventory that has been contracted at a low rate and can be relinquished if there is another buyer willing to pay more
- Off Market - This is the status of inventory that has been marked as such through our Inventory Status tool and represents inventory that is currently Off Market due to reasons such as maintenance, etc.
- Perms - This is the status of inventory that has been marked as such through our Inventory Status tool and represents inventory that is not available for a long period of time
Once you have made all of your selections, click Search!

If you made Availability selections in your search, you will be taken to the Graphic View. From here you can hover over each bar in the chart to see additional details, as well as create a booking!

Otherwise, you will be taken to the List View where (depending on your permissions) you can view your search results, as well as, Edit, Add Availability, Map, Save, Add to Proposal, Add to Package, and generate Photosheets for the resulting inventory.

Finally, you can view and update your search criteria by clicking on 'Show Search Criteria'!