Buyer: How do I manage my vendor reps

To set up default vendor reps so you do not need to reselect recipients on RFPs, contracts, etc, every time, follow the steps below or view the instructional video here.

Setting Up Default Vendor Representatives:

Begin by clicking on the "Settings" menu and then "Vendor Representatives".

From here, you can view and edit existing vendor rep designations or "Create Vendor Representative" if needed.

When creating a new one, first select a vendor. After selecting, clients and vendor reps will be available for selection. You can double-click or use the buttons to select and deselect as needed. You also have the option to select All Clients. This feature is particularly useful if you consistently work with the same representatives for a given vendor. Click "save" once you are finished.

View or edit these defaults in the future from Settings > Vendor Representatives and click on the appropriate action under the Actions column!

How Vendor Reps are Applied Across Different Documents:


The default vendor reps are pulled directly from the Vendor Representative Management settings. When an RFP is created, it automatically includes the representatives set as default for the selected vendor.


Similar to RFPs, contracts pull default representatives directly from the vendor rep settings. Contracts will also pull the same representatives that were included in the RFP.

Posting Instructions:

For PIs, the default vendor reps are added from the Vendor Representative Management.