Seller: How do I navigate within a map?
How do I navigate within a map? There are various navigation tools that can be used to explore media assets and locations. These tools are the same as those found on Google Maps. Note: Depending on where your map was created and what is contained within the map, the menus and options available may vary.
When a map has 1,500+ locations, clustering is applied to simplify the way those locations are displayed by dividing them into easily-navigated clusters. Clustering essentially groups locations to make a map easier to both understand and navigate. Clicking on a cluster will zoom further into the map, auto-adjusting the locations now clustered. Once you have zoomed in far enough, you will have the functionality of a normal DOmedia map (filtering companies and formats, displaying zip code labels, etc.).

Map / Satellite
There are two different views available in DOmedia's mapping tool. Select which of the two views you'd like to use in the bottom right-hand corner of the map.
Map: this view displays a map with traditional depiction of roads, parks, borders, bodies of water, and more Satellite: this view displays aerial imagery
To pan (move the map), simply click and hold your mouse, then drag the map. You can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the map north, south, east, and west.
Search Bar
The search bar returns Google search results and populates them on the map (i.e. Starbucks locations, hotel locations, etc.). To clear the icons that represent your search results on the map, right click anywhere on the map, and then click 'Clear search markers'.
The + and - buttons found in the upper left-hand corner of the map allows you to zoom in and out of the map. You can also zoom in and out using the scroll wheel on your mouse.
Street View
By clicking on the yellow person icon on the left-hand side of the map and dragging this icon to any area on the map, street-view imagery of that location is provided.

Asset/Location Icons
Each icon represents a specific media asset or location on the map. They also provide additional location information when clicked. If the vendor has included an image for an asset, it will appear in the box. If they have not, the Google Street View image of the location will appear. You can access additional photos from this box, as well as the view of the asset from Street-View in Google Maps.

Measure distance from / to here
Right-clicking anywhere on two locations on the map will provide the option to measure the distance between those particular locations. Once you have those locations marked, right-click once more and click 'Measure the distance to here'. This will display the calculated distance between the two locations. Right-clicking on the map also gives you the option to clear those distance markers.

Locations panel
This tool is found in the bottom left-hand corner of the map and provides a list of each asset/location included in the map and populated in the current view. Specific details about each Asset/Location, such as Vendor, Location Description, Format, Geopath ID, Cross Street, Face (the direction, north, south, east, or west, that the asset faces), Street View, and Action are provided.
Coverage Report - Clicking on this button will generate an Excel report detailing which of your clients' locations are targeted by your media locations. (This report will only generate when a client location list containing radii is associated with your map).
Photosheet - Clicking on this button will generate photosheets for all of the units shown in the Locations table.
Show Marked as Out - If you are a buyer, this allows you to display any units you have marked out on the map.
Show / Hide Marker Labels - The toggle to show or hide marker labels is located in the upper right-hand corner of the Locations panel. Showing marker labels will display the marker label number next to each Asset/Location icon as it correlates to the list in the Locations panel.
Action - Any available actions will appear in the Action column at the end of the Locations table. Sellers will have the option to click 'Remove'.

Client Location Lists tab - This tab can be viewed from the Locations panel. It provides a list of each Client Location asset included in the map and populated in the current view. Specific details about each asset, such as marker label number, Location Name, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip code, Latitude, Longitude, and Radius (miles) are also provided.

Search Results tab - This tab can be viewed from the Locations panel. It provides a list of each resulting location from your search that is included in the map and populated in the current view. Specific details about each location, such as Marker Label Number, Name, and Location Address are also provided. In addition, your search results can be saved as a Location List by clicking the 'Save as Location List' button shown above the right-hand corner of the table.

Panel in Upper Right
This tool is found in the upper right-hand corner of the map and provides advanced settings that can be used to filter mapped media. Vendors tab - Media assets are filtered by company and can be viewed by company or collectively. The Vendors tab lists every vendor included in your current view of the map with the number of units populated in the current view for each vendor in parentheses. Each company is represented by a different color. A legend of these colors is displayed in the Vendors tab. By checking and unchecking the box next to each vendor, you can adjust which companies are populated on your map.

Format tab - Media assets are filtered by format (i.e. bulletins, walls etc.) and can be viewed separately or collectively. The Format tab lists every media category included in your current view of the map with the number of units populated in the current view for each media format in parentheses. Each format is represented by a unique icon. A legend of these icons is displayed in the Format tab. By checking and unchecking the box next to each category, you can adjust which formats are populated on your map.

Display tab: Starting Position - You can click Save Map Position to lock the zoom level of the map.

Display tab: Marker Color - This allows users to breakout map pin colors by Format or Markets.

Display tab: Boundary Labels - This allows the user to display outlines for the Zip Codes contained in the map.

Display tab: Demographic Shading - This allows the user to display shading based on the demographic selected from the drop-down menu. The chosen demographic and the values that correlate with the different degrees of shading are shown in the Legend. The shading is determined by U.S. Census Bureau data.

Display tab: Vendor / Inventory Data - This allows the user to control the information displayed in the Asset Icon pop-up. Options include Vendor, Format, Geopath Panel ID, Vendor Assigned #, DOmedia Assigned Asset #, Location, Cross Street, Face, Line, Size, Source, and Image.

Display tab: Custom KML Layers - This allows the user to toggle which Custom KML Layers should display on the map. In the example shown below, the custom KML layer depicts the area of a specific market on the map.

Client Location Lists tab: This tab displays the Client Location Lists that are included in the map.

Client Lists tab: Client Location List Radius - In addition, the selection that determines whether or not the radius will show on the map is included in this tab.