Seller: How do I upload images of my inventory? How do I use the Image Association tool?
Page Contents:
Why would I add photos of my inventory to DOmedia?
Having photos of your inventory in DOmedia allows you to present the best view of your units that buyers are actively evaluating. Whether those units are being viewed by buyers in our searchable database or as part of a proposal you submit in response to an RFP, you'll want to ensure the photos of your unit shows its "good side"!
How to add photos of my inventory to DOmedia
There are a variety of ways to have your photos added to DOmedia. Those options are listed and described in more detail below:
Want us to add and associate your photos for you?
DOmedia offers a service where, among other things, our vendor support team will upload and associate images of your inventory for you. That's about as easy as it gets! To learn more about that service, please contact If you'd prefer the self-serve route, you have a few options:
Add photos from a proposal
You have the ability to add photos of your inventory directly from your proposal. You'll know if a unit in your proposal doesn't already have an image associated with it from the "Validation Errors Below" at the top of the screen. To add an image for that unit, you can click the "Update Images" button at the bottom.
That will provide a pop-up window that will show you what's currently being displayed with your proposal rows. You also have the option to select "Show missing" which allows you to only list vendor numbers with missing images. Select "Choose File" to upload from your computer.
Once you've selected an image file to upload for each unit, you can click the new button that says 'Update Images" You'll receive a success message that the photo has been added and associated and the validation error under the proposal grid should disappear for that particular unit.
How to upload images to the image gallery
You can easily upload images into DOmedia that can later be associated with your inventory. To do so, select "Plan" on the left-hand side of the menu, then select "Image Gallery" in the dropdown.
Click 'Add Images'
To add an image, use the 'Choose File' button to find the image on your local hard drive, then click 'Upload'. DOmedia will automatically create thumbnails of the appropriate size for our site.
You may upload BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG files, or a ZIP file containing those image types (50mb limit).
Once you have added your images to the Image Gallery, there are two ways you can view your images. List View:
Thumbnail View:
How to associate photos for individual units
There are two ways to associate images with your inventory. You can associate an image to one piece of inventory at a time or associate images to your inventory in bulk using our Image Association tool. Associating image via Inventory Search) Now that your images are in the Image Gallery, you can associate them to the related assets one by one using this method. To do so select "Inventory Search" at the top
The next step is to run an inventory search to find the piece of inventory you want to associate the image with. Choose an Advertising Category as well as all required information with the red astricks to complete your search and locate the specific inventory you want to update. Once you have found your desired inventory, click 'Search'
Click "Edit" next to the asset.
Click on the 'Images' Tab
Under 'Available Images' find the image you would like to add to the Inventory item and click 'Associate'. After you have clicked 'Associate' make sure to click 'Update Images'
If there you need to remove an image from an asset click the "X" in the top corner. Make sure to 'Update Images' at the bottom to save progress.
Bulk Image Association
Before you'll be able to associate your images to your inventory using our Image Association tool, you will need to download a spreadsheet of the filenames for the images in your Image Gallery. To do so, select Image Gallery page and click 'Download Filenames'.
The download will look similar to the example shown below.
Next, to associate images with your inventory, click on 'Image Association' in the bar located near the top of the Image Gallery page. From the Image Association page, you will first want to click 'Download' to download a spreadsheet of your assets.
The download will look similar to the example shown below.
Once you have the asset image association file open in Excel or another spreadsheet application, you can reference the image gallery filenames spreadsheet you downloaded earlier and enter the appropriate image filename next to the related inventory number.
Once you have image filenames added for your inventory, your spreadsheet should look similar to the example shown below.
Note: You can update as few or as many images as you'd like.
You can now navigate back to the Image Association page, choose that file, and click 'Upload' to associate those images with assets in DO.
Note: To change or remove an image that is associated with an asset, download the Image Association file again, and paste the new image filename over the existing image filename, or delete the existing filename altogether. Once you have made the needed changes, just choose the file and upload it on the Image Association page! A green message will always let you know the status of your changes (how many associated, skipped, or failed) for the Image Association Spreadsheet you submitted.