Free Seller Access

As a Free Seller you will not have access to the following features:

RFP Dashboard, Contract Dashboard, Fill From Spreadsheet, Fill From Historical data, Archival of Contracts (including revisions as versions are updated), Audit Trails, etc.

You will still be able to preform the following functions normally:

How to update Company Information

How to Manage Users

How to Manage Inventory

RFP's and Contracts will only be able to be accessed via the original email link that you receive when the RFP or Contract was issued

How to respond to a RFP

To access an RFP log into DOmedia and then proceed to click "View RFP" found on the original email.

To continue as a Free Seller click "Skip Agreement and use free version".

Step 1: Project Brief Once you have made a selection on the agreement you will arrive at. Here you will find campaign-level details outlined by the buyer. If you have inventory to propose select 'Next' in the bottom right-hand corner of the page. 

Select "Send Project Brief" at the bottom of the page. 

Step 2: Proposal Template

An explanation of each of these standard columns/fields is available by clicking the 'Field Definitions' link. For more information on how to locate the Field Definitions, click here.

Where do I start? 

You can begin by typing values into the first row - this represents your first location or media offering in your proposal. You can enter values directly into the grid or cut and paste them from another spreadsheet. Be sure that your columns match the standard columns - you cannot change or add columns in the grid.  Click here to view instructions on editing proposals.

Unable to make edits to the grid? Check the Seller/Buyer Editable setting - click here for more information.

Once you have the inventory you'd like to propose in the grid, there are other actions you can take to improve your proposal to the agency.

Update Geopath Data (if applicable)

Step 3: Additional Information

The last step of responding to an RFP is adding additional information to your proposal, such as attachments and other additional information.

Once you have added any attachments and other additional information, click 'Send Now'.  The buyer will be informed that your company's proposal has been submitted.

Check the Seller/Buyer Editable setting

Seller Editable

RFPs allow the buyer and seller to review and edit the proposal - but not at the same time!  When the buyer initially sends an RFP, the grid is automatically set to Seller Editable and you can work on your proposal. Buyer Editable 

When the buyer begins their review of proposals - usually after the RFP deadline - they will change the status to Buyer Editable to ensure there are no changes made while they are compiling proposals for review.

A buyer may also change the status to Buyer Editable at any time due to other circumstances. If you need to edit a proposal, you can click Request Unlock and that will trigger a message to the buyer to give you edit privileges. 

How to respond to a Contract

To access a contract, log into DOmedia and then proceed to click "View Contract" found on the original email.


From the View Contract page, you can review the contract, starting with the General Contract Information at the top of the page.  Here you'll find the high-level information for the Contract, such as the Client, Campaign, and Contract Total.

Pay close attention to the Media Seller Information section. Here you'll want to make sure that your company's billing and shipping addresses are correct.

As you scroll down the page, you'll see the Inventory Information and Billing Addendum sections of the contract.

The Inventory Information section is a Summary View of the contract. It is broken out by Unit and / or Market depending on your format.

The Billing Addendum section is similar to the Inventory Information section, but instead of being a Summary View of the buy, it is broken out by Cycle. 

So, if a buyer is placing an order for 3 4-week cycles for a billboard or 3 one-day cycles for a mobile billboard, the billing addendum will break out the buy into one row for each cycle

Approve / Request Revisions

Once you've reviewed the contract, you can take one of the following actions:

1. Approve Contract

2. Request Revisions

Approve Contract - Using this button, you can officially approve the contract which will change the contract's status to 'In Contract', apply your digital signature to the contract export (if you have one uploaded in your contact information), and send a message to the agency letting them know of the approval.

Request Revisions - Using this button, you are able to send any revision requests directly to the contract issuer if any errors or inconsistencies are found.

Once approved, you may also export a copy of the signed contract by clicking Export Contract at the top of the page.  Clicking this button will download the contract as a PDF.

Posting Instructions

In order to access a posting instruction as a free seller, you will need to click the "view posting instructions" button in the email you received in order to view the specific PI: