Buyer: How to create a multiple proposal-based contract
If you've sent an RFP and received proposals from multiple vendors that you'd like to move forward with. Multiple Proposal-based options will pull in all of the data from each proposal and create separate draft contracts for each vendor.
Not sure how to get here? Read: How to Create a Contract First.
Depending on your settings, you'll see one of two layouts for creating a Multiple Proposal-based contract:
Multiple Proposal-based - Option 1 Regular Contracting:
To begin, click on "Buy" then "Contracts" on the left-hand side menu.

Choose Contract Type: Choose "Multiple Proposal-based" from options.
RFP: Use the dropdown menu to select an RFP. You can check the box labeled "Breakout Installation and Production Line Items" or leave it unchecked.
Proposals: Click on the proposals from the "Available" column to add them to the "Selected" column.
Click on "Save and Review" once you have made your selections.

You'll receive a success message letting you know that the contracts have been created. Although multiple contracts originated from the same RFP, each one is specific to each company.

On your dashboard, you can use the actions column to View or Edit your desired contract. More options can be taken by clicking the three dots such as Mapping, Deleting, Exporting, and Duplicating.

Clicking "View" will take you to a page where you can see the details of your contract.

With the regular contracting workflow, you may also have the ability to breakout your contracts by market. You will see this option on the ‘Create Contract’ page with a checkbox at the bottom. A member of the DO team can turn this on for you if needed. Once you have this feature turned on note that the checkbox will automatically be checked for you each time and you will need to uncheck the box if you do not want to contract by market.

Multiple Proposal-based - Option 2 Incremental Contracting:
Option 2 allows for incremental contracting giving you the ability to contract piecemeal or as certain units or markets get approved by clients. This approach is additive and particularly useful when additional "IN" units get added to plans or when flight dates get extended.
To begin, click on "Buy" then "Contracts" on the left-hand side menu.

Choose Contract Type: Choose "Multiple Proposal-based" from options.
RFP: Use the dropdown menu to select an RFP. You can check the box labeled "Breakout Installation and Production Line Items" or leave it unchecked.
Choose Sellers: Choose between "All Sellers" or "Specific Sellers" to specify which vendors you want to include.
Choose Dates: Select "All Dates" or "Within Specific Dates" to define the contract period.
Choose Media Rows: Choose the type of media rows you want to include in the contract. You can select all media, specific media (or units), specific formats, or specific markets depending on what you are ready to contract.
Click on "Save and Review" once you have made your selections.

You'll receive a success message and be sent to the Campaign page to view your created contract.

Other related articles:
Buyer: How to create a proposal-based contract
Buyer: How do I navigate within the contract dashboard?