Seller: How do I create a proposal template (Template Management)?
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What is Proposal Template Management?
Template Management is DOmedia's interface for creating, updating, and storing proposal templates. Once a template is created, it can be used to display the units that you have proposed.
How do I access Proposal Template Management?
To access Proposal Template Management, visit DOmedia's homepage, hover over 'Settings' in the white navigation bar at the top of the screen and click 'Templates' in the drop-down menu.
The Proposal Template Management interface allows you to:
Show Per Page - You have the ability to increase or decrease the number of templates that are displayed on one page by using the entries drop-down menu. You have the options to display 10, 25, 50, or 100 templates that have been created. Create - This allows you to create a new template. Export to CSV - Clicking this allows you to export a list of all existing templates, along with the names of the clients that each template is associated with. Search - Easily navigate through a long list of templates by entering a keyword, client name, etc. into the search box. Sort - Click on the column headers 'Name' or 'Client' to sort them in ascending or descending order to quickly find the template you are looking for.
Edit - This allows you to make changes to an existing template. Delete - This action deletes an existing template. Once a template is deleted, it can not be recovered or be selected as a template for a new proposal. Copy - This allows you to make a copy of an existing template, edit it, and then save it as a new proposal template. Preview - The Preview action enables you to preview the template grid with the column headers in the order they will display. Export Template - This exports the template as a CSV file that can be opened in Excel to view the template's column headers in their display order.
How do I create a new template?
To create a new proposal template, click 'Create'. You will then be taken to the Create Proposal Template page where you will see the following: Template Name - Use this field to give your template a unique name.
Client - Associate the template with a specific client or leave it available to all clients using the drop-down menu. If you associate the template with a specific client, the template can only be selected for a proposal when a proposal is being created for that client.
The plus sign that appears next to the Client drop-down menu will allow you to add a new client in the system when clicked. The following screenshot displays the box that will pop up and the requested information for the client you want to add.
Default Template - When The Default Template toggle is set to 'Yes' this template will automatically be selected on Step 1 of all proposals. (Note: If another template is set as the default template, you will receive a message asking if you would like to change your default template. Click 'Yes' to update your default.)
Template Columns - Choose which of the standard column headers you'd like to include for the proposal and what order you would like them displayed. Available Optional Template Columns - Add columns from a list of additional standard column headers that are not included in the standard DOmedia template. Available actions include: To add and remove columns use the arrow icons shown next to the headers. The column headers shown on the left side of the page are those that will be included in your template. Those listed on the right side are available to be added to your proposal template. To reorder the columns, simply drag and drop them to achieve your desired order. Note: Some of the standard column headers cannot be removed from the template. These will not have an arrow icon next to them.
To add a custom column header to the template, click on the 'Add Header' button.
You also have the ability to designate whether or not your custom column headers should be visible to buyers or only internally. You will be able to determine what kind of information can entered to each of your custom fields by clicking the elipsis (...) button and selecting the desired data type from the dropdown menu. Note: If you select 'dropdown' from the list, you will need to provide the values you wish to see in your custom column's dropdown menus.
The blue 'x' button is available next to any custom column header, in case you would like to delete it entirely from the template.
Once a template is created, it can be selected for a proposal on the Create Proposal - Step 1: General Information page. For information about creating a proposal, click here!