Buyer: How DOmedia Contract Data Translates to MediaOcean

DOmedia's contracting feature can pass along data to several different billing systems, one of those being MediaOcean. This article covers what data is pushed and how to update important contract codes (client, estimate, product).

Data Fields Included in Push:

Data fields from DOmedia contracts pushed to MediaOcean include:

 - Client code

 - Agency Code

 - A/C/D: MediaOcean zeros out any rows with 'D'

 - Net Media Cost

 - Cost code

 - Estimate number

 - Format code

 - Market Code

 - Product Code

New MediaOcean Files

MediaOcean creates a new file when there is a unique combination of Client, Estimate number, and Product pushed from DOmedia. Any changes to those three codes on an existing contract should be handled by zeroing out the line(s) and adding new lines to make the change. See below for how to update each:


Updating Client Code:

  1. Cancel contract in DOmedia
  2. Upload to MediaOcean
  3. Update Client Code on Campaign through Campaign Management
  4. From the Contract Dashboard, duplicate canceled contract
  5. Re-upload to MediaOcean
  6. Reissue contract to Media Seller

Check out detailed steps on canceling a contract HERE.

Updating Product/Estimate Number:

  1. From the Contract Dashboard, revise the contract
  2. Scroll down to Inventory Information
  3. For the lines that have the incorrect Product or Estimate number, enter a 'D' in the first column and add Cancelation Comments
  4. Either manually type the rows back into the grid at the bottom or copy & paste the rows to the bottom of the inventory information
  5. Add an 'A' in the first column for the new rows (if copied & pasted, also remove cancelation comments)
  6. Update Product/Estimate # on the new lines
  7. Save
  8. Proceed with the reissuing process

Check out detailed steps on revising a contract HERE.