I am not receiving email notifications from DOmedia

If you are not receiving DOmedia email notifications, try the following steps:

  • Check your email account's spam folder.  If the email notifications are landing in your spam folder, you can do the following to keep it from happening again in the future:
    • Mark the emails as 'Not Spam'.  When you do so, your email account's spam filter should learn not to send those types of email notifications to your spam folder.
    • Add rfp@domedia.com and theteam@domedia.com as contacts in your email account's contacts list or address book.
  • Speak to your technical team, or the person who manages your company's spam filter (if they have one), to see if the email notifications were blocked by the spam filter. You can also ask them to 'Whitelist' the domedia.com domain for all future emails.
  • Check to see if any of your colleagues, who should have also received the same email notification, had issues receiving it as well.  If so, please notify us, so that we can begin troubleshooting this issue.