How do I Add and Maintain Measurement Vendor Partners?

Begin by clicking "Settings" then "Measurement Vendor Partners" on the left-hand side menu. It will be located near the bottom of the tab.

  • On the "Measurement Vendor Partners" page, you will see a list of all your DOmedia vendors displayed in alphabetical order. This page allows you to customize which vendors appear on your diagrams and for whom you can create forecasts.
  • Use the checkboxes next to each vendor's name to select or deselect the vendors you want to include or exclude from your diagrams. As you make your selections, you'll notice that the "All Selected Vendors" section on the right-hand side will update to display the vendors you have chosen.
  • After you've made your selections, don't forget to hit the "Save" button!
    Tip: use filter to search for a vendor

The vendors you choose will now be reflected when viewing Insights and creating forecasts. When running the report by "Vendor" You will see all the vendors you have currently selected and all of your other vendors grouped in an "Unspecified/Other" row.

To learn more about Pipelines and Forecasts check out these support articles:

