Buyer: How do I create and set up Media Value Banks?

How to set up Clients to be Media Value Bank Eligible:

Begin by going to "Clients" under "Settings" on the left-hand side menu.

On your Client dashboard, you can click "Create New Client" or "Edit "on an existing client. 

 When creating or editing your client, check the "Media Value Bank Eligible" box.

How to create a Media Value Bank:

Click "Media Value Banks" under "Settings" on the left-hand side menu.

Click "Create Media Value Bank"

Here you can fill out the fields to create your Media Value Bank. Note: Red asterisks indicate required fields.  ​​

How to add the Media Value Bank column to your RFP Template:

You can add the Media Value Bank column to your RFP template by clicking "Settings" then "RFP Templates".

Next, you can either select "Create New RFP Template" or "Edit" an existing one. 

Click the blue arrow on the "Media Bank Eligible" Column to add to your RFP Template.

Note: If the "Media Bank Eligible" column is not initially present in your template, you can also add it during Step 2 of RFP creation or editing. However, it's recommended to include the column in your template.