Buyer: How do I build a template?
To build a template, start by clicking 'RFP' and then 'RFPs' on the left-hand side.
From there you will be taken to the RFP Dashboard. Click the 'Create RFP' button at the top of the grid.
Once you have completed Step 1 of Project Brief creation, scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Next'.
On the next step of the Project Brief creation, you will have the ability to customize the template to your needs.
The template is the set of questions you are asking the vendor for this RFP.
Included Columns: The left column contains the fields in the template. These are the fields that seller will fill out in their proposals. Some of these fields can be removed by clicking the blue right arrow button.
Available Columns: The right column contains optional fields that can be added to any template by clicking on the blue left arrow button.
Show/Hide from Vendor: You can choose to make fields visible or hidden from the vendor. You may have fields that contain information for internal purposes only.
DOmedia Columns: All of the structured fields can be reported on.
Add Header: You can add custom fields to the template by clicking 'Add Header'. To remove a custom header, click on the blue 'X' icon (see more details below).
Reorder Headers: Click and drag the fields to reorder your template.
Preview: You can preview what your template will look like at any time by clicking on the Preview Template button.
Custom Headers
1. Click Add Header at the bottom of the Included column
2. Add a name for the header which gives an idea of the data you are expecting in that column.
3. Choose to show or hide from the vendor.
4. Click on the three dots to specify what type of data should be added to the column.
5. Choose from the list and click "Add to Template".
6. If you choose dropdown, add the list of items that the user should choose from and click "Add to Template".
Lastly, click "Next" to proceed with the Project Brief.