Buyer: How do I reject a vendor proposal?
First, click on "RFP" then "RFPs" on the left-hand side menu.

From there, you will be taken to the RFP Dashboard. Click "Compile" to the right of the RFP that you wish to reject.

From the compile page containing the vendor proposal you would like to reject, the Reject button is located under the compile grid. Click "Reject" if the proposal does not meet your requirements. Again, this button only displays on the individual proposal compile page when the current status is buyer-editable.
Once you have clicked 'Reject', a box will pop up allowing you to customize your rejection message and confirm that you would like to reject the proposal.
Once you have confirmed, an email notification will be sent to the vendor letting them know that their proposal was rejected. The status of that proposal will change to 'Rejected' and 'This proposal is closed.' This will be displayed at the bottom of that individual proposal's compile page.