Buyer: How do I add a selling company's / vendor's address (Selling Company Address Management)?
If you have an alternative address to a vendor's company address, you can add the address through Selling Company Address Management. To navigate to Selling Company Address Management, click on "Settings" then "Addresses" on the left-hand side menu.

From the Selling Company Address Management page, click on "Create New Selling Company Address".

Now, you can name the address you are about to enter, enter the address and selling Company, select the Type of address (Shipping, PI, Mailing), and select the Market this address relates to if desired. Once you are finished filling out this page, click "Save".

To manage your existing Selling Company Addresses, navigate back to Selling Company Address Management, where the following options are available to you.
Export to CSV: Download the details presented in the Selling Company Address Management table as a CSV file that can be opened in Excel.
Create New Selling Company Address: Make new addresses (shipping, PI, mailing), related to a selling company, available to be selected on contracts.
Search: Enter keywords to find a specific selling company address you are looking for.
Sort: Click on any of the headers to sort the columns in order to easily locate a specific address.
View: View the details of the desired selling company address.
Edit: Make changes to a specific address.
Delete: Remove an address from the system when it is no longer applicable.