Buyer: How to pull client contract reports

How do I access the Client Contract Reports?

To pull client contract reports, click Reports under the Buy menu.

How do I create a Client Contract Report?

You can follow the steps below to build a new Client Contract Report.

1) Report Type - use the drop-down to select the desired report 

Contract Unit Summary - contract data broken out by unit.  Each row is a unit as it appears in the Unit Summary section of the view Contract page.  A unit that runs 4 cycles would be one line item in the report with the Total Cost of the unit calculated.

Billing Report - contract data are broken out by insertion.  Each row in the report is a billing line from the contract, just as it appears in the Billing Addendum section of the view Contract page. A unit that runs 4 cycles, would be 4 line items in the report.

Spend Summary Report - The Spend Summary Report breaks down contract spend data by various categories, including client, vendor, market, and months.

Creative Running By Week - Each row in the report represents a week of the campaign and the creative ad that is running for that week for that inventory. It breaks out cost and CPM to be by week.

Weekly Spend and Impressions - This report provides weekly breakdowns of campaign data. It simplifies the process of converting 4-week billing items into weekly segments.

2) Client - Double-click on a client name or use the buttons in between the lists to select the clients you would like to include in the report Note: For the Creative Running By Week report, you can select one client from a drop-down menu.

3) Insertion Start Date After/Insertion Start Date Before - Select the appropriate date range of the start date. The report produced will only include insertions *within* the selected time period.  For example - if you want all of 2022, you would want your criteria to be 12/31/21 - 1/1/23.

*If you'd like to filter the contract statuses included in your report, you can do so by expanding out the Contract Status Options and then selecting/deselecting as needed.

4) Export - When finished, click 'Export'.  The report, in the form of a CSV file, will automatically be downloaded and can be opened in Excel.