Buyer: How do I set up production cost rate cards?
Begin by selecting "Setting" then "Production Costs".

This page will list all of your existing Production Costs. You may edit current costs or select "Create new Production Costs" to create a new one.

Creating a New Production Cost:
Format: The format for which you are setting up defaults.
Material: The material for which you are setting up defaults.
Client: This field is optional, you may select a specific client to have costs pulled in on RFPs for the selected client. Leaving the field blank will apply this cost to all clients.
Price By: Select if pricing is by unit, square foot, or digital.
Production Cost: What the agency is paying for production cost.
Direct Production Cost: What the customer is paying for production cost.
Shipping Costs: What the agency is paying for shipping.
Remember to hit Save when done!

Once your Production Cost is created, costs will be reflected in your RFPs. On the left-hand side menu, select "RFP". In the drop-down, you can select "RFPs" to view existing ones or "Create RFP".

Your Format, Size, and Recommended material are used in the search to create the correct costs.
After creating your RFP, hit Save and your columns will be added and updated based on your production costs. Below are the columns that will autofill based on your Production cost setup!