Buyer: How to use Rate Insights
Rate Insights is a tool that will allow you to view market averages or historical data about specific units that you've previously contracted within DOmedia. You can utilize this functionality to help you make informed decisions when buying future OOH inventory.
Start by clicking on "Plan" and then "Rate Insights" on the left-hand side menu.

Required Options to Choose:
Display Results As: You can either display the results as Market Averages or based on Contracted Inventory Details directly from your company account. Choosing Market Averages will offer fewer selection options for Location compared to selecting Contract Inventory Details. The differences are outlined below:

Advertising Category: You can select as many categories as you wish for this search.

While not required, you can refine your results further by selecting specific dates, clients, campaigns, and vendors. You have the option to choose the source of your data, including Geopath-supplied data, vendor-supplied data, or both. Additionally, you can filter by various Industry Affiliations that vendors may opt into. Once you have configured all your settings, click "Search" in the bottom right corner.

You will be able to see all of the markets and product categories that you've selected, with the various pricing data points, from both RFP's and contracts.
Market Averages: By clicking on a market, you can view vendor-level details.

Contracted Inventory Details: Here, the inventory number is a clickable link when it represents a real asset in the system.
Number of Data Matches: This is also a link that displays historical rates from specific contracts as seen below.