Buyer: How do I request changes to a vendor's proposal?
To start, click on "RFP" then "RFPs" on the left-hand side menu.

From there you will be taken to the RFP Dashboard. This is where all of your RFPs are found. Click "Compile" next to the RFP.

Once you have navigated to the compile page, first make sure that the Current Status is Buyer Editable, as the 'Request New' button is only enabled when the current status is buyer editable.

Next, click "Request New" to request that the vendor make changes to their proposal and then submit the new version. Note: This button is only displayed on the individual proposal compile page and when the current status is buyer editable.
When you click 'Request New', an email notification is sent to the vendor letting them know that you are requesting a new proposal with changes. Note: You will also be taken to the message thread for that vendor where you can send out a new message specifying your requested changes.