Buyer: Strict Validations Admin Actions

Key Admin Functions:

  • Block the vendor’s ability to submit a proposal unless key/blocking validations are corrected.
  • Set which vendors must submit RFPs with zero key validation errors.
  • Set which RFP headers are considered key/blocking.


Admins will need the DSP - Strict Validations Admin permission module in order to -

  • Set which vendors must submit RFPs with zero key validation errors.
  • Maintain Key Blocking Validations on RFP Templates:  
    • Identify which RFP headers are key validation points that could block proposal submission.
    • This only occurs in RFP Template Management and is not an option in RFP Step 2.

Set which vendors must submit RFPs with zero key validation errors To identify which vendors must comply with strict validations: Click "Account" and then "Strict Vendor Validation". Update the Must Comply list as needed and click "Save Changes".

Maintain Key Blocking Validations on RFP Templates

To identify which RFP headers are key validation points that could block proposal submission:

Click "Settings" then "RFP Templates".


Click "Edit" for the desired template or create a new one

Click on the hand icon next to any column included in the template to make that column in the RFP blocking for sellers with incorrect values.

Be sure to click "Save" at the bottom!