Buyer: How do I notify only some of the vendors on the original RFP that I need an updated proposal?
Scenario: Original RFP goes out to vendors > Vendors respond with proposals > Client changes direction > Buyer doesn't want to receive proposals from all of the vendors again.
Currently, all vendors and their respective reps that were included in the original RFP will receive the revised RFP, so there's no way to scale it back by removing vendors (all vendors will receive an email notification when the RFP is revised).
That leaves a couple of different options:
Duplicate the RFP:
First, go to the left menu bar and click 'RFP' and then click 'RFPs' to view your RFPs.

To duplicate your RFP, Select the three dots on the right-hand side of the desired RFP and click Duplicate.

The system will automatically enter all previous information but allow you to remove the vendors that should no longer be included based on the client's new direction. Issue the RFP and sellers can submit a new proposal in the new RFP
Note: if only an RFP # is shown, then this RFP was already duplicated.
Second option: Use the message all thread, indicate changes to the client's direction, and only send the message with revisions to the particular vendors that need to update their proposal in the existing RFP but take the new direction into account when doing so