Buyer: Requiring Images and Prod Specs

In the initial step of creating an RFP, agencies can set specific requirements for vendors.

You have the ability to require vendors to submit production specification files as well as the ability to require vendors to submit images along with each unit they propose to an RFP.

"Make Production Specifications Required?" Option: 

Now when creating a new project brief, you will see a Yes or No setting for ‘Make Production Specifications Required?'’ Selecting Yes for this option will require vendors to submit production specification files along with each unit they propose to an RFP. This helps ensure that proposals include all necessary production details. Prod specs are important to agencies for many reasons including production and costing. 

This will automatically default to Yes for any new RFP.

To remove Production Specifications requirements for a vendor:

Click Compile for the desired RFP

Click +Actions and then "Remove Prod Spec Requirement" 

This allows you to specify which vendors must adhere to these validations and which are exempt. Click "Save" when done.

"Make Images Required?" Option:

Now when creating a new project brief, you will see a Yes or No setting for ‘Make Images Required?'’ Selecting Yes for this option will require vendors to submit images along with each unit they propose to an RFP. This requirement prevents proposals with missing images. Without these images, PowerPoint presentations generated from the RFP may have empty slides, requiring you to search for the missing images elsewhere. This will automatically default to Yes for any new RFP.

To remove Production Specifications requirements for a vendor:

Click Compile for the desired RFP

Click +Actions and then "Remove Prod Spec Requirement" 

This allows you to specify which vendors must adhere to these validations and which are exempt. Click "Save" when done.

Vendor's Viewpoint:

When these requirements are in place, vendors who attempt to submit without meeting them will receive an error message.

Upon updating images or production specifications, vendors will see a notification at the top stating, "Please note that images are required for every row of this RFP" and "Please note that production specifications are required for every row of this RFP," depending on the requirements placed.

If you'd like to learn more on how to enforce overall data compliance, check out our Strict Validation process HERE