Buyer: RFP Geopath Column Headers

When building RFP templates, you will see a variety of column headers that are specifically designed for Geopath. These headers, which initially act as placeholders on your template, are expanded once you select your target audience.

Geopath header names will update according to the actual target audience chosen for the RFP in your final template.

Geopath column headers will expand into separate columns on the RFP template to include all segments of your target audience.

As shown in the below example, the demographics selected will load 4 distinct calculations from Geopath for Total Impressions, creating 4 separate headers.

Therefore "Geopath Total Impressions" would be represented as these RFP column headers:

PopFacts: Persons 18+ yrs 4wk Geopath Total Impressions

PopFacts: Persons 18+ yrs 1wk Geopath Total Impressions

PopFacts: Persons 21+ yrs 4wk Geopath Total Impressions

PopFacts: Persons 21+ yrs 1wk Geopath Total Impressions

*Note: This pattern is repeated for all Geopath audience placeholders. These headers can expand RFP templates significantly with the addition of audience segments and varying number of weeks.

Geopath to DOmedia Translations

Geopath ID # - Unique identification number per unit, required for measurement

Geopath Total Impressions - The total impressions that are reaching the target audience overall

Geopath In-Market Impressions - The total impressions for the target audience in the target market only

Geopath Target Composition Index - The calculated target composition index. The ratio of Target Percent In-Market Impressions Composition (Target Population/Total Population %)

Geopath Target Total Impressions % - Target Audience Impressions as a percentage of Total Impressions

Geopath Target In-Market Impressions % - Target In-Market Impressions as a percentage of Total In-Market Impressions

Geopath Market Population - The total population of the target segment in the target market

Geopath In-Market Target Population - The total population of the target segment in the target market

Geopath Target In-Market Population % - Percent of the overall base population that matches the target segment / in the defined market

Geopath Population Reach - The number of people in the market that is being reached during the period defined

Geopath Reach % - The percentage of the total market that is being reached during the period defined

Geopath Frequency - The average number of times an individual notices an out of home advertising message during a defined period of time

Geopath TRP - The total number of in-market impressions, to a target audience, delivered by an Out of Home display expressed as a percentage of a market population

Geopath CPM -  (Net Media Cost/Cycle) / ( Geopath Total Impressions / 1000 )