Seller: How do I use Campaign Management? How do I create a new campaign?
Page Contents:
What is Campaign Management?
Campaign management is an area where you will be able to build and manage the campaigns your client is working on.
When would I use Campaign Management?
You would use Campaign Management any time that you initiate a new campaign or when you'd like to view existing campaigns.
How do I use Campaign Management?
Hover over 'Propose' in the white navigation bar across the top of the page and click 'Campaigns' in the drop-down menu.

From your Manage Campaigns page, you have several actions you can take: View - Choose a view (All, Active, In Progress, Completed, and Archived) to filter through your campaigns. Export to CSV - Download a CSV file that contains all of the campaign details shown in the table on the Manage Campaigns page. Create - Enter details related to a campaign you are working on. See below for more information on creating a new campaign. Search - Enter keywords into the Search box to find a specific campaign. Sort - Click on the header of any column to sort the information in order to make it easier to locate the campaign you are looking for.

View - View all of the details tied to a specific campaign. Update - Make changes to any of the fields included in a campaign. Archive - Archiving a campaign will remove it from any of the 'active' views and will store it under the Archived view. Campaigns can be unarchived as well.

How do I add a new campaign?
Here is a WalkMe video that shows you how to create a new campaign! After clicking Create, fill out the fields as best you can (required fields are marked by red asterisks). Name - This can be anything, but you want it to be specific, so that you can find it in a list of other campaigns that may be named similarly. Ex. DOmedia Fall 2016 Start Date and End Date - Enter the dates of the campaign when media will be run. Budget - Enter the budget for the entire campaign. Client - Choose the related client for this campaign.

Once you have entered all of the campaign details, click 'Save'.