Seller: How Do I Create and Update Clients
You can access your clients by clicking Propose then Clients on the left-hand side menu.

To Create a Client:
Click Create Client above the Client Management Dashboard.

Update a Client:
Click Update in line with the desired client.

Client Data Fields:
Required Data:
Client Name is the only required field when creating a new client. This name will appear across the site in your proposals, contracts, and inventory search.
Optional Data:
Agency: Enter the agency of record for your client. This information will display in your proposals and contracts.
Salesperson: Choose the salesperson from your team who owns this client account. This information will display in your proposals and contracts.
Note: A salesperson is not available for all companies. Some may choose to use the Account Manager and Coordinator options. Both Salesperson and the Account Manager & Coordinator options cannot be activated at the same time.
Creative Category: Select the Creative Category (Industry) from the drop-down list.
Add a New Creative Category: Click ‘+’ and enter the Creative Category name, Unique ID # (If applicable), Code (If applicable)
Disable a Creative Category: Click ‘-’. This will remove the Creative Category name from the dropdown menu.
Delete a Creative Category: Click the trashcan icon. This will delete the Creative Category. Contact Name: Enter the name of your primary contact. This information will display in your contracts. Contact Title: Enter the title of your primary contact. This information will display in your contracts. Contact Phone: Enter the phone number of your primary contact. Contact Address: Enter the address of your client. This information will display in your contracts. Authorized Users: Selecting a user or set of users from the list will assign the client to those selected. Only these users will be able to create, update and issue proposals and contracts for this client.

Email Addresses: Enter the email address or set of addresses of all contacts associated with this client. These email addresses will appear within your proposals and contracts associated with this client. You may use them to issue your proposals and contracts directly through the DOmedia site.

Billing Contact Name: Enter the name of your client’s billing contact. This information will display on your contracts.
Billing Contract Phone: Enter the phone number of your client’s billing contact.
Billing Contact Email: Enter the email of your client’s billing contact. This information will display on your contracts.
Billing Contact Address: Enter the billing address of your client. This information will display on your contracts.
Advertiser/Agency Name: Enter the display name of the agency of record for this client.
Advertiser/Agency Code: Enter the code associated with your client’s agency if applicable.

Tax Rates
Name: All Tax rate names must be unique
Rate: All tax rates must be entered as a percentage between 0 and 99

Brand Name: Enter the display name of each brand associated with your client
Brand Code: Enter the code associated with your client’s brand if applicable.
Clicking the ‘Disabled’ checkbox will remove the brand from displaying across the site. This does not delete the brand. Deselecting the checkbox will enable the brand.
Clicking ‘Remove Brand’ will delete the brand.

Powerpoint Options: Proposals can be downloaded as Microsoft Powerpoint files. Custom download display options can be set up for each client.
Powerpoint Cover Image: This image will display in the background of the Powerpoint cover slide. Jpeg, JPG, PNG, and GIF files are recommended.
Powerpoint Background Image: This image will display in the background of all Powerpoint slides. Jpeg, JPG, PNG, and GIF files are recommended.
Powerpoint Logo Image: This image will display in the upper left corner of each Powerpoint slide. Jpeg, JPG, PNG, and GIF files are recommended.
Page Margin (pixels): Determines the margin size on each slide when downloading a proposal as a Powerpoint file.
Font Family: Determines the font type when downloading a proposal as a Powerpoint file.
Font Size (points): Determines the font size when downloading a proposal as a Powerpoint file.
Font Color: Click within the color matrix or enter the desired color hex code.