Seller: How Do I Create and Manage a Posting Instruction?
After issuing a contract to a client, and the client approves, vendors have the ability to turn a signed contract into a Posting Instruction to ensure creative is assigned to the proper locations and installations are executed on time. Create a new Posting Instruction: Drop-down the 'Traffic' tab and click 'Post Instructions'.
Above the dashboard, click 'Create Posting Instruction.'
Select the contract from which the posting instruction will be created.
Select the inventory that will be included in the posting instruction, and click 'Next.'
Within the posting instruction interface: Click on the name of the recipients of the posting instruction to select them.
Scroll down and select the PI contact(s):
Click Save at the bottom.
In the Inventory Details section, scroll over and enter the Actual Post and Actual Take Down dates:
Upload Approach and Close-up Proof of Performance (POP) images as well as POP dates.
Terms and conditions and attachments may also be added to the posting instruction. Note: Attachments have a 50mb file size limit.
When you are ready to submit, click "save and send take down dates" to send takedown dates, and click "save and issue POP" to issue the POPs back to the agency. All three buttons can be used to save the PI, these first two buttons will send email notifications to the agency to notify them that the PI has been issued.
Editing Posting Instructions: Click 'View' within the Post Instruction Dashboard
Click 'Edit Posting Instruction'
Other actions: Export to PDF: Creates a downloaded PDF file of the posting instruction. Provide Proof of Performance: Allows the user to update Approach and Close up POP images Cancel Posting Instruction: Removes the ability to update and send the posting instruction. (The user can still provide POP and export as a PDF if needed)