Seller: How do I add Geopath related data to my proposal?
As a Geopath user you have the ability to include Geopath data and relevant Geopath calculations in your proposal grid. To do this, you can create a custom template with those Geopath columns included from Proposal Template Management. However, please keep in mind that this feature is only available to Geopath members. 5 columns pertaining to Geopath data can be added to a template after creating a new template in Template Management. One column exists for each possible 'Field' that can be pulled from Geopath (or calculated). These fields will allow any Geopath data you would like to include in your proposal grid to be more dynamic. To help you understand how these Geopath related columns function, please see the below example. The 5 columns are Geopath Impressions, Geopath TRP, Geopath Reach, Geopath Frequency, and Geopath CPM. Those fields can be found under 'Available Optional Template Columns' and can be added anywhere in the template. The actual header names for those columns are based on the selected audience(s) and week(s) on the Create Proposal - Step 1: General Information page. Once the desired Geopath related fields are added to a template, they are essentially placeholders until audiences and weeks are selected on the Create Proposal - Step 1: General Information page.

On the Create Proposal - Step 1: General Information page, you will want to select your 'Audience Demographic', 'Number of Weeks', and 'Second Number of Weeks' as desired.

Once you are complete with step 1, click Next and enter in the units you would like to include in your proposal. After you've entered the units, click 'Save and Review'. At that point in time, the system does 2 things:
1) It creates the columns based on the audience and week combination. For example, if you have 2 audience demographics and 2 number of weeks selections, a combination of 4 different numbers for each Geopath field will be included in your template.
2) It goes out to Geopath and pulls down the data for all of the units in the proposal. Your proposal grid will now contain that Geopath data. If you included Geopath CPM in your template, it will calculate once Net Media Cost/Cycle is entered in the proposal grid.

All of the data shown in the proposal grid can be exported from the View Proposal page, as well as the Proposal Management Dashboard.

If you were to revise the proposal and remove one of the audience demographics, for example, the system would then remove those columns from the proposal grid. This is what allows the proposal grid to be dynamic.