Buyer: How to Update Company Information

Begin by clicking "Account" then "Company Information"

General Information Fields:

Company Name: This will be the name that will appear publicly in DOmedia as well as on all company contracts.

Company Phone: This number will appear on all contracts in DOmedia.

Company Description: Many times, this is a brief introduction to the company and its services.

Company Logo: An image file can be uploaded, which will appear in the upper left corner of the page, in place of the DOmedia logo. This logo will also appear on all contracts sent through DOmedia.

Address Fields:

Company Address: This address will appear on all contracts sent through DOmedia.

Billing Address: This address will appear on all contracts sent through DOmedia and will serve as the address to which all invoices should be sent.

Optional Information: The company website may be entered into the website URL. You can add optional information that you want to add.

Fill from Historical Options: Based on your choice, DOmedia will handle searches for prefilling information based on your assets.

Inventory Management: You can allow external inventory management by checking it.

Optional Information: The company website may be entered into the website URL. You can add optional information that you want to add.

Plant ID Management: The company can add or edit the company's plant ID.

Proof of Performance Image Options: Based on your choice, DOmedia will handle images that you upload using the Proof of Performance mobile app.

Contract Settings: You can choose your contract settings.

Contract Media Buyer: You can choose who appears on contracts as the media buyer when working with both a client and an agency.

PowerPoint Options: You can add a Logo image, cover image, background image, market divider image, and map image for PowerPoint presentations. You can also choose font color, page margin, font, and font size

When you put all the information you want to add, click 'Save Changes' once all information has been entered or updated.