How do I shade target zip codes in mapping?

Can I shade a set of target zip codes in my DOmedia maps?

Users have the ability to shade a set of target zip codes in DOmedia maps through Custom KML Layer Management.

How do I add zip code shading to my maps in DOmedia?

In order to shade a set of targeted zip codes in DOmedia maps, start by accessing 'Custom KML Layer Management' in the 'Mapping' drop-down menu:

In Custom KML Layer Management, click 'Create New KML Layer':

Name the new layer, associate it with a client, and indicate whether you'll be uploading an external KML file or selecting Zip Codes to shade:

In order to shade zip codes, toggle the KML Layer Type from Uploaded File to Zip Code Shading:

While creating a Zip Code Layer, you can enter target zip codes and shading values. The values for each are relative representations of how dark or light each zip code will be shaded on your map. The higher the value relative to all other values, the darker that Zip Code will be shaded. You can ensure that all the zips are shaded the same color by assigning the same value to all zip codes in your list. 

Once you entered your target zip codes and their respective values, click 'Create KML Layer'.

Now that you have your target Zip Codes set up, you can add them to maps in DOmedia via Map Management. 

Access Map Management in the mapping drop down menu:

In Map, you can either add the newly created Zip Code Shading layer to existing maps or to new maps. 

To add to a new map, click 'Create New Map':

Then select the newly created layer in the Custom KML Layers section and click 'Save':

Once viewing your map, the last step is to make sure that the applied KML layer is enabled. You can enable the KML layer by clicking the dropdown menu in the top right, selecting the Display tab, expanding Custom KML Layers, and selecting the KML layer that you've created.

Those zip codes will now be shaded and labeled on your map: