Why are units missing from my map?

There are several reasons why inventory could be missing from your map. To solve this problem, run through the following checks:

Is the related vendor or format for that unit selected to be displayed on the map? Note: Both Vendors and Formats can be deselected within a map.  Double-check your selections in the Vendors and Format tabs by expanding out the panel in the upper right corner of the map.

If you are mapping from a RFP, is the Vendor and/or Market column shaded red? Note: If you see red shading, something is not right.  Everything inputted into the Compile grid must be selected from the standardized drop-down menu to ensure it will map properly.  To remove the red shading, delete the text and choose from the drop-down menu. 

  • Does the unit have a valid latitude and longitude?  Note: +48.987386 is the northern most latitude, +18.005611 is the southern most latitude, -124.626080 is the western most longitude, -62.361014 is the eastern most longitude  
  • If there is not an available latitude and longitude, does the unit have a specific Location Description? Note: If there is not a latitude and longitude listed for the unit, the system will try to map the unit based on the provided Location Description using Google.  For the most accurate positioning, make sure the Location Description is as specific as possible, so that Google can know where to map the unit.  
  • If there is not an available latitude and longitude, does the unit have a valid Geopath ID? Note: Even if the latitude and longitude are not available, the system may still be able to map the unit based on the Geopath ID given.  If the system is able to find a matching Geopath ID in the system, the unit will be mapped based on the stored latitude and longitude provided by Geopath.  
  • If you are mapping from a RFP, is the unit marked 'In' in the Compile grid?
  • If you are mapping from a RFP, is there a proposal created for the vendor? Note: If you click on the RFP Name, and the vendor has a link for Create Proposal next to them, then they do not officially have a proposal associated with them in the system, even if it looks like they do from the Compile All grid.  To resolve this, you can just click Create Proposal in order to tie what is in the Compile All grid to the vendor.