Seller: How do I view and take actions on a contract?

Accessing Contracts in DOmedia is easy—click the direct link to the contract from the email notification you received.  If you are a paying seller, you can access any of your contracts from your Contract Dashboard found under the Sell menu by clicking the Contracts option.

*A seller who has not accepted the DOmedia terms of service must navigate from the email notifications in the future as well so be sure to hang on to those!

When viewing the Contract, you can first review the General Contract Information at the top of the page.  Here you'll find the high-level information for the Contract, such as the Client, Campaign, and Contract Total.  Below that you'll find information related to the agency and vendor included on the contract.

As you scroll down the page, you'll see the contract's Inventory Information and Billing Addendum sections: The Inventory Information section is a Summary View of the contract. It is broken out by Unit or Market depending on your format.

The Billing Addendum section is similar to the Inventory Information section, but instead of being a Summary View of the buy, it is broken out by Cycle.  (So, if a buyer is placing an order for 3 4-week cycles for a billboard or 3 one-day cycles for a mobile billboard, the billing addendum will break out the buy into one row for each cycle.)

Once you have reviewed the contract, click Request Revisions or Approve Contract at the top of the page. After clicking Request Revisions, you will be able to enter information about what revisions are needed before sending the message to the buyer. If the contract looks good, click Approve Contract.  If you have a digital signature added to your user account, it will automatically be applied along with a date/time stamp on the PDF export of the contract (download by clicking Export Contract). Note: you can upload a digital signature file on your account from the Account menu by clicking Contact Information.